Do you want to find your spirit as an actor?

Do you want to find your unique clown or bouffon?

Do you want to improve your magic?

Have you wanted an unique educational experience?

If so, Alexander can help you with that!

Alexander offers multiple workshop and intensive classes in a variety of subjects.

Workshops - Character, Le Jue, Magic, Melodrama, Neutral Mask, Slapstick, and Vaudeville.

Intensives - Bouffon, Clown, Le Jue, Magic, and Viewpoints

To learn more about each of these subjects, please email with your inquiry.

  • A workshop covers a subject that can be taught in 1-3 short classes for a total of 2-9 hours of instruction. An intensive on the other hand covers a subject that takes longer to teach or goes further into the subject. These are a minimum of 15 hours of instruction that is divided into 5-10 classes.

  • All workshops and intensives are 18+

  • Prior experience is not necessary but is helpful.

  • The Clown Intensive requires a student showcase at the end for family and friends so they can test out their new skills. Other intensives can have student showcases but aren’t required.

  • Yes, there’s a set minimum of 8 students for workshops and 10 for intensives. The set maximum for any given workshop or intensive is 20.

  • The easiest way is to send an email to

    Please put either “Workshop Wanted” or “Intensive Wanted” in the subject line along with the desired subject.